XLRI has partnered with eVolv to bring you an AI powered platform that helps people live better and lead more fulfilling lives. eVolv does this by showing users how to align their lives and careers with their purpose, and gain the most from their sources of energy.
eVolv provides you with an understanding of your purpose drivers. It is a higher level human intrinsic need which sparks positive energy for learning, experiences and contribution. Knowing your purpose drivers and living a life centered on those leads to high levels of happiness and satisfaction. A Purpose Driver represents your passions and deeper interests. eVolv also provides a holistic view of energy and stress factors (physical, emotional, social, and financial) that affect every person. eVolv provides specific recommendations on how best to manage these factors. eVolv will keep all your information strictly confidential and not share any individual responses with anyone except you.
For students, eVolv provides recommendations for careers based on their purpose drivers.
Watch this short video to get an idea of what to expect when using eVolv.
You can also learn more about what eVolv offers XLers here.
Welcome XLers
Once you have created your account on eVolv, from the invitation you received, starting to use eVolv requires only three easy steps.
Step 1: Complete the diagnostics
Purpose (10 minutes)
Invite peers to get feedback (10 minutes). Peers can include anyone that knows you well - your friends, classmates, parents, and family members. We encourage you to invite peers so as to get an understanding of how others see you.
Energy (10 - 15 minutes)
Patiently wait 4 hours (We'll send you a reminder when to finish the next diagnostic)
Platform algorithm generates Top 3 Purpose Drivers
Purpose Alignment (5 minutes)
Step 2: Review your dashboard
The dashboard will show you the results from the diagnostics you completed. Data from any peers you requested feedback from will be added in and shown on the dashboard when it is received.